Q. What is the cost for the courses, and when is it due?
A. The cost for one course is $725. The money is due the Tuesday before class starts. If all of the money for the sequence is paid before the first day of the first class, you can save $100 and pay $2800 plus materials.
Q. Are there additional costs for the class?
A. Yes.
The State required curriculum is to be used in the class. You can purchase your own for $200. You can rent one from Century and return it at the end of class. You can secure your own (possibly from the company with which you have secured a job) the curriculum is the ADTSEA curriculum and has four separate dvd’s with it.
There is a 120 page workbook that is required to be completed for the courses. You may receive it on a disk for free, or you may purchase a paper copy for $40.
Lab work will require you to do three hours of driving in your own vehicle, accompanied by a Century instructor. You may also have to do some additional traveling during intersection analysis and route development.
Q. How long are the classes.
A. The first three courses last at least three weeks each. The student teaching portion may take anywhere form two weeks to several months depending on the availability of a host school. Plan an a minimum of 15 weeks for the entire process.
Q. What is a hybrid class?
A. The class time is split between the classroom setting and on line tutorials and assignments. Most classes will typically meet nine Saturdays (or a combination of Friday night/ Saturday). The will also be a forum for discussion and set “office hours” where a course administrator or instructor will be available.
Q. What if I miss a class?
A. Missed time is allowable, but there are due dates for assignments and you will have scheduled presentations you are required to complete. You are responsible for all tests and quizzes that are given in class and on line.
Q. What is a host school?
A. A host school is a provider of driver education that meets the requirements of the state (In good standing with the state- host instructor has been teaching at least four years) whom is willing to allow you to student-teach with their program. Century can assist you in finding a host school, but ultimately it is your responsibility to secure one.
Q. What does the student teaching portion consist of?
A. There is a pre-meeting with the host school instructor, you, and the Century instructor. Your then conduct at least nine hours of prep, thirty hours of student teaching split between class and car, and four additional teaching hours that are viewed and graded. A final meeting is conducted between the before mentioned parties to review the teaching and your journal.
Q. What certification do I get for this?
A. You will receive a certificate of completion and your transcripts are electronically sent to the state for processing. This class meets the state requirements for receiving you instructing license. The course is the equivalent of a college level course in terms of length and content, but you do not receive actual college credits.
Q. How do I get my license?
A. We will help you with this process in class. After the completion of the third class, plan on another two weeks to receive your conditional license. After the practicum, again plan on two additional weeks to receive you full license.