Drivers training is a rewarding profession requiring proper instruction for future drivers.
Century Driving School provides the needed courses to apply for state certification.

The four classes in the Instructor Preparation program

  1. Course 1: IP 501: Driver Task Analysis
  2. Course 2: IP 502: Developing Classroom Instructional Knowledge
  3. Course 3: IP 503: Developing Vehicle Operational Skills
  4. Course 4: IP 504: Practicum

Century Driving requires the following fees and materials to complete the requirements listed in PA384

  1. $725.00 per class or you may prepay of all four classes and receive a discounted rate of $2800.00.
  2. New Copy of ADTSEA Curriculum: $200 Or Rent the ADTSEA curriculum: $40 (includes four dvd discs)
  3. 120 page workbook required to be completed for the courses. You may receive it on a disk for free, or you may purchase a paper copy for $40.
  4. Lab work - may require use of your own vehicle to establish routes and complete the intersection analysis.

Instructor Preparation FAQ

Thank-you for your interest in Century Driving School's Instruction Preparation Program.